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A classic computer puzzle game. The game starts with a 9×9 board with randomnly placed three balls chosen out of seven different colours. The player can move one ball per turn. To move a ball, select it with the help of the ОК button on the remote. Use navigation arrows to move the cursor to a new destination, then press ОК once more. The player may only move a ball if there is a path (linked set of vertical and horizontal empty cells) between the current position of the ball and the desired destination. The goal is to remove balls by forming lines (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) of at least five balls of the same colour. If the player does form such a line, new balls does not appear. If not, three new balls are added. The player can see the three balls which will be added during the next turn.

en/start/menu/lines.txt · Последние изменения: 2013/12/17 10:21 (внешнее изменение)